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  • Writer's pictureNeil Goldberg

Try Being Human

I was in the midst of writing a book on social media when the Coronavirus took over our collective consciousness. Unable to focus on the book, or much of anything for an extended period of time, I decided to create this blogsite which allows for short bursts of attention before being pulled back into the vortex of our new reality.

My book is a collection of true stories collected while working with famous musicians, reality stars, athletes, and other celebrities. It illustrates how and why social media, our most powerful tool for connecting, has resulted in our becoming less emotionally connected than ever before.

Ironically, at this moment social media is connecting us in positive ways. It seems whenever tragedy strikes, the human spirit rises up. But why do we wait until these moments to tap into our hearts and share the best version of ourselves? And once Corona is behind us, how long will the social media kindness last?

If there is a mission for this blog site it is to use this moment, while we are all feeling vulnerable and offering the best version of ourselves, to acknowledge our common humanity. The homeless, the sick, the privileged, all of us equally susceptible. We are all the same, and should strive to remember that when Coronavirus is no longer a part of our daily lives.

I invite you to share your thoughts and experiences, and I will add them to this site. It is open to everyone around the world.

To experience our beauty, our connectedness and our ability to love all beings, without exception, we must have the courage to Try Being Human.



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